The National Farm Attraction Network (NFAN) has over 250 Members and is the only independent co-operative for farm and rural attractions. It is estimated that over 10 million visits are made annually to NFAN member attractions.
Started in 1996, NFAN delivers professional support and assistance across a number of areas.
Industry Code of Practice: In 2012, NFAN assisted the HSE in creating the Industry Code of Practice. NFAN now help Members interpret the guidelines with workshops and one-on-one Member discussions. NFAN has also produced a helpful video demonstrating best practice.
Networking Events: NFAN originally started as a networking organisation and continues to run regular events for their Members. Events range from the NFAN Annual Conference and two-day road shows to open days and knowledge sharing FarmHub Workshops.
Sharing Knowledge: NFAN also provide tools for Members to increase their knowledge in specific areas. On the website, we post regular useful information resources (available for Members) and throughout the year hold workshops with industry experts.
Raising Standards: The NFAN Awards are held annually and provide an opportunity for the farm attraction industry to showcase their ‘best in class’ attractions. In addition to the main Farm Attraction of the Year Award, there are a number of different award categories.
Offering Specialist Advice & Support: The NFAN office provides Members with support and advice through a manned telephone service.Additional initiatives NFAN have developed are a specialist insurance product through Marsh & Co, a free 15 minute planning consultation with Davies & Co and a benchmarking service, enabling attractions to confidentially share their visitor numbers.
Education: NFAN works with partner organisations to champion the benefits of school and education group visits to farm and rural attractions. Many NFAN members are CEVAS trained and offer a wide range of educational resources. It is estimated that 500k children a year visit NFAN member attractions as part of school trips.